
I am a lawyer. I didn’t start out to be a lawyer. I attended Eastern Michigan University studying business management. It was there that my love for law and my desire to be a lawyer began. It was my Business Law course. I would save my Business Law homework until all my other homework was done, because I knew that once I got started on the Business Law reading I would get so engrossed and enjoy it so much that I wouldn’t put it down. The law fascinated me.

It was at Detroit College of Law when I became interested in family law while interning for a family law lawyer. After graduation in 1996 and passing the bar exam, I started working for Brian Lavan and Associates. I was one of four lawyers and I immediately began handling divorce and family law cases. I followed one case all the way through two appeals. I left the firm in 2007 and opened my own practice in Brighton, MI where I help clients work through the problems that can arise in families.

I like to work. I began working at age 8, riding my bike to deliver papers in my neighborhood. When I was 12, I said I was fourteen so I could get a job as a bus boy at a local restaurant. I continue that strong work ethic and will give your matter my full attention.

Not surprisingly, I still ride a bike. Last year I put about 4500 miles on my road bike. Several times each year, I travel out-of-state to ride. I went to the World Championships last year as a spectator. I hope to go as a competitor one year. I like being outdoors and hike the national parks as often as possible.

I understand divorce, both as a lawyer assisting a client and as part of a family that divorced my Freshman year of college. I remember it was very difficult for me, my brother and my sister. My parents felt we were old enough to share details and wanted us to take sides. In spite of that, I am still close with both of my parents. While I try to assure that the splitting apart of the family doesn’t cause too much damage, I will vigorously advocate for your position when necessary.

I stay current and knowledgeable in all areas of family law. I attend Family Law Conferences three times a year and have been invited to attend the Family Court Forum, sponsored by the Family Law Section of the State Bar. The Forum, consisting of lawyers, judges, court staff and social workers meets once a year to discuss a current issue in Family Law.

Recently, I added a new service for my clients. I realized that changes in the family call for changes in estate planning as well. I can review your will, powers of attorney and other documents to help you make the necessary modifications.

More questions? Call me at (810) 534-4055. I will answer or return your call as soon as possible.